..i TRULY value my friends x
..not having much of a 'family' left..my beautiful friends are my family..
..today i wanted to share some little affirmation 'friendship' quotes that were given to me..
..thanks tash x

..only a life lived for others..is worth living..
-albert einstein

..friends are like bras..close to your heart..
and there for support..

great friends are hard to find..
difficult to leave..
and impossible to forget..

..true friendship
isn't about being there when its convenient ..
its about
being there
when it is not..

don't walk in front of me..i may not follow..
don't walk
behind me..i may not lead..
just walk beside me and be my friend..
- albert camus

..friendships are what our dreams are made of..
..we hold onto each other with its binding love..
..we stand close to each other hand in hand..
showing each other we understand..
thankyou to all my beautiful friends..
you each hold a special place in my heart x