Monday, August 30, 2010

..we can waste some much time trying to be someone else..
..wishing we were someone else..
..hoping that our lives were like someone else's..

..its taken me a long time to be ok with whom i am..
..and now its important that i am always trying to be..the best version of me..

..cos when you believe in yourself..the possibilities are endless..

REMEMBER..take chances..take alot of them..
..because matter where you end up..

..and with always ends up the way it should be..

..our mistakes make us who we are..
..we learn and grow with every choice we make... always say how you feel..always be true to yourself.. okay with who YOU are..
... as Judy Garland once said..
"always be a first rate version of yourself...
instead of a second rate version of somebody else"

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Facebook ellie eisteddfod

Saturday, August 28, 2010


..yay for the weekend and the end of another term of uni..

..just a few more thoughts..

..forgive everyone..for everything..

..time heals almost give time..time.. is too short to waste time or energy hating someone.. one is in charge of your happiness but YOU..

..don't judge others have no idea what their journey is all about... don't have to always win every argument..

..its ok to agree to disagree..

..dream more while you are awake..

..don't take yourself too seriously.. one else does... matter how you feel..

..get up..

..dress up..

and show up!!

have an awesome weekend all x

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Thought Provoking Questions..

i cannot take credit for these..
a gorgeous friend emailed them to me..

thanks Debi x
..but i HAD to share..

..i love questions that challenge me..
and remind me to focus on what is truly important in life..

..hmmm makes you think hey?
..always remember to slow down in life..
live..breathe and learn..
take a look around you whenever you have time and..
never forget everything and every person..
..that has a place in your heart x

Monday, August 23, 2010


..i TRULY value my friends x

..not having much of a 'family' beautiful friends are my family.. i wanted to share some little affirmation 'friendship' quotes that were given to me..

..thanks tash x

..only a life lived for worth living..

-albert einstein

..friends are like bras..close to your heart..

and there for support..

..truly great friends are hard to find..

difficult to leave..

and impossible to forget..

..true friendship isn't about being there when its convenient ..

its about being there when it is not..

...don't walk in front of me..i may not follow..

..don't walk behind me..i may not lead..

just walk beside me and be my friend..

- albert camus

..friendships are what our dreams are made of..

..we hold onto each other with its binding love..

..we stand close to each other hand in hand..

showing each other we understand..
thankyou to all my beautiful friends..
you each hold a special place in my heart x

Thursday, August 19, 2010


..every once in a while you come across something that reiterates your values and reminds you of how important some things are..such as..


..i am doing an assignment at the moment about Aboriginal culture and the devastation that some families went through as a result of having their children removed from them..

..whats even sadder is how it has impacted on their lives and culture today..

..its so important that we teach our children life skills..

and respect for others and themselves.. Whitney sang about it..

..I believe the children are a future..

..teach them well..

..and let them lead the way.. them all the beauty they possess inside..

..give them a sense of pride..

to make it easier..

..let the children's laughter..

..remind us how we used to be..

..we need to encouage our children to love others and love themselves.. treat others like they want to be treated..
..not to walk in anyones shadow..but stand up for what they believe in..

..lets give the next generation a good chance of

being happy..whole..people x

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


it doesn't matter what you do in this world.. doesn't matter if you are a sailor..

..or a house wife..

..or a business man..

..or an artist..

..we all have the wisdom inside of us to know what is true..

..and if we look within and simply ask.."what is this experience trying to teach me?"..

and we are willing to listen..we will have the answer..

..don't give your power away to other people..

they only have power over us when we allow them to..

..remember..what other people think of us.. is really none of our business..

truly..what you think of me is none of my business..its your business..

..when we are conscious of what we are doing..

we can bring change in our own lives.. is really here for US!

..SO tell life what you want..and allow the good to happen x