Friday, February 25, 2011


..when we say things like... people don't change.. drives scientists crazy...

because literally change is the only constant of science... always changing...

...morphing...merging...growing...dying... is the way people try NOT to change that is unnatural...

...its the way we cling to old memories instead of making new ones...
...its wanting things to be the "way they were"...
....instead of letting them be "what they are"....
...nothing in this lifetime is permanent...change IS constant...

...HOW we experience change is up to us!!! can feel like death or it can feel like a second chance at life...

...i had never liked used to terrify me..

..but now i can honestly say.. i am grateful for change..

...change is necessary for growth.. ...
and in wanting to be the best people we possibly can be...
requires both growth and change...
so don't be frightened of change...

...change can bring new possibilities..
..change might be just what you need..


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

...the 4 Agreements...



...under any circumstance ALWAYS do your best... more & no less...
when you do your best you learn to accept yourself. aware - you need to learn from your mistakes..
be honest & to continue to always striving to do your best...

...doing your best should not feel like work as you'll enjoy whatever you are doing...

...let go of the in the present moment...right here & now...

whatever life takes away.. LET IT GO!
...letting go of the can enjoy the dreams that you have right now... in the past you don't enjoy whats happening right now...
...because you are wishing it was different.
...there is no time to miss anyone or anything if you are living in the present!

...we were born with the right to enjoy happy.. to love and be loved...

so..take your best and enjoy it! can only be the true YOU by doing your best!
if you are doing your best you can still feel good about yourself ...
...even if you make assumptions or take things personally...





the 4 agreements are fantastic principles to live by...

#1. be impeccable with your word

#2. don't take things personally

#3. don't make assumptions

#4. always do your best


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

...the 4 agreements...


#3 don't make assumptions

..the problem with making assumptions is..

we tend to believe they are truth! making assumptions..we misunderstand..we take things personally..

& create a big drama..often for nothing!

the majority of sadness/drama in our lives.. from making assumptions and taking things personally!

..we only see what we want to see..

we only hear what we want to hear..

..we feel we have to justify everything..

to explain & understand everything so we feel safe..

..sometimes it doesn't even matter if its right or wrong..

as long as it feels ok??

(i don't think so)

..we make assumptions because we don't have the courage to ask questions..

..we make assumptions unconsciously because we think if someone loves us..

they should know better..

..when we believe something..we assume we are right to the point that..

...we will destroy relationships to defend our position..

..the easiest way to keep this third agreement to STOP making assumptions!

..have the courage to ask questions..make communication clear!

..don't look at ..listen to.. or speak judgement..

don't assume anything..

another great principle to live by x

Thursday, February 10, 2011

..the 4 agreements..


#2. don't take anything personally..

NOTHING other people do is 'because' of you!

..even when others insult us directly it is not about us..

it is whatever is going on in their minds/lives..

..if someone gives you a nasty opinion.. the truth is they are dealing with their own feelings/beliefs/opinions..

& if you listen to them.. you now own their emotional crap.. take it personally when you agree with what they say..

this can also make you defend your own beliefs

& creates internal conflict.. not allow what people say or think about you to upset you..

..what ever they think or feel is their problem not yours..

..your point of view is something personal to you..

its no ones truth but YOURS! taking things personally we are setting ourselves up to suffer needlessly..

if someone is not treating you with love ans respect.. is a gift if they walk away from you..

..if one of you does not walk away you may endure years of suffering..

..walking away might hurt for a while..but your heart WILL eventually heal.. making a strong habit of not taking things personally.. WILL avoid many upsets in your life...

..when you make an agreement to not not take things personally..

you do not need to place trust in what others do or say.. only need to trust yourself to make responsible choices..

..after all..

..we are never responsible for the actions of others..only ourselves


Thursday, February 3, 2011

..four agreements..

..friends i have just finished another interesting book and i want to share with you.. many books i left behind some 'unusual' ideas
but the general gist of it was really thought provoking
and full of practical 'agreements' to live by.. thought i would blog about a different one each day..

..there are thousands of agreements we make with other people..with society.. God.. parents..friends.. our spouse..partner..children..even with our dreams for life!

..but the most important agreements we make..
..are the ones we make with ourselves..

... they tell us ...

-who we are

-what we feel

-what we believe

-how to behave...

and the results of these make up our 'personality'

..therefore these four 'agreements' are incredible principles to live by..


..what we dream..feel..who we really are..

will be manifested through our word!

the power we have to express..communicate..think

will create events in our lives..

it is so important to realise that what we 'speak' can come to pass..

how many times do we speak words that come true..

..'words' can change lives.. sometimes destroy lives..

..words can change peoples views..persuade people against their beliefs and values...

..words can encourage..words can tear down..

words have mixed messages..they can be misinterpreted..

..words can begin gossip that leads to misunderstanding..

..words as opinions are only one persons point of view..


we can become immune to negativity..

..if we speak only positive words..things that are pure..true..just..fair..encouraging..

..if we concentrate on only speaking these words about others and ourselves..

.. we cant go wrong..

we must be impeccable with our word..using words the 'correct' way..

sharing love & being kind to ourselves

..and using only kind words towards others
