Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Life is a journey- enjoy the ride



As i embark on this next year and the next journey of my life...
...i thought id reflect on some of my 'truths' that i believe are important to me..
 there are no accidents in life...
everything happens for a reason and each person that we meet will have some role in our lives... may be big or quite small...
they may hurt or betray us...yet we can learn from this and become stronger...
some people will teach us invaluable lessons that will help us to grow and become better people...
...some simply will love and inspire us...
just because they want to see us happy.
 make peace with the past so you don't mess up the present...
...we cant change the past...we have NO idea what the future brings so we must learn to live in the NOW!
...part of being ok with our present life is letting go of the past...
...forgiveness is a crucial part of that...
what is done is done...hopefully we can learn from it and have a greater awareness for the future.
time heals almost everything... often are you feeling down and believe the situation you are in is never going to end?
...MANY times I have been in a place where i just can't see the light at the end of the tunnel or I wonder if it is ever going to get easier or will the pain go away...
..give yourself the time and grace to feel your feelings and know
this too shall pass
 don't compare your journey to anyone elses...
..everyone is on their own journey...
we have no idea what their journey is about and have no right to judge...
...what we may see may be nothing to what is really going on...
and just because we have gone through something similar does not mean we understand their pain...
 NO ONE is responsible for your happiness except YOU...
..not your partner..your children..friends...or job...
we have to chose happiness...we have to be happy in who we are and the choices we make for our lives...
...we cant expect others to make us happy and be disappointed when they don't.
le verace via- follow your true path
...find your own authentic... the BEST version of yourself...
...focus on your own journey before you try to criticise someone else's ride...
..make goals and work hard to fulfil them...
LOVE totally with abandon
LIVE with purpose and for today
LAUGH often!
enjoy the biggest journey of all...LIVING x

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2013- the year of balance




long time between blogs and one of my goals this year is to 'get back into it'...
so.... great to see you again and i hope that you can find a little inspiration from Heidi Marie x 


I'm not sure if you are aware but the last four months i have been living with a nasty little virus inside my brain which affects my balance horrifically. At first i was scared... then i did the 'OH wohas me' for a little while...I turned to anger and the 'It's not fair' mantra and finally when none of those served me any longer I have come to accept it and actually be grateful that it came as a 'warning sign' in my life.
Acceptance you ask? Yes!! when i took a long hard look at my 'situation' I realised: My lifestyle is FAR from balanced. I run around like a crazy woman trying to fit in as much as possible and attempting to  help and be there for as many people as I can. GO GO GO!!
But this illness stopped me in my tracks. bouts of uncontrollable vomiting...dizziness like being inside a washing control over any of my body... it is like THE most extreme hangover you could imagine.
Yet as soon as I started to feel a little better off i went AGAIN and  STILL not learning my lesson ended up bed ridden AGAIN. 
It has taken me 4 'episodes' and I Hope I have learnt my lesson...
 A coincidence that the illness I have called 'labrynthintisis' affects my balance? and this is the area of my life I struggle with the most??
I don't think so.
Like these gorgeous children... we need to take life more carefully...weigh up what and who is mindful that if we don't look after ourselves there will come a time that we will  fall and then we are no good to anyone.
...balancing our lives is a tricky task, it takes patience, awareness, good time management and also being a little selfish. yet these choices are a lot easier to make than suffering the consequences of no balance in our lives.
(trust me...I know)
BALANCING and play...
...indulgence and control... and receiving...
...friendship and self...
it sounds ALOT easier than it is but WE NEED to learn to care for ourselves
...especially when we've been taught to put others first...
...but its necessary!

I WILL get back on my elephant (hehe)
it may take some time and remembering to live with more balance but i WILL get there
and so can you
 your life in 2013 and enjoy the ride x