..long time...no post...
..well its been a long time between posts..i know...
...life has been crazy busy...and i've truly missed blogging...
...so i am back!!!
...well the last few months i have faced many challenges...
...accomplished many goals...started new journeys...
...moved on from some friendships and met some new amazing people...
...formed new friendships and re-established some old ones...
...what have i learned you may ask...
...is that life is unpredictable ...
...plans change...goals are revised...life throws us unexpected challenges...
...we can meet someone that changes our lives and we can realise there are people that shouldn't be in our lives...
...i am learning...its really important to continue to set goals for our life..
...but crucial to remain flexible in achieving those goals...
...its vital to live in the NOW...
...as i've mentioned before...
...the past is over and done and cannot be changed...
...the future hasn't happened yet...so there is no point worrying about it...
...so the easiest way to get through each day...is to live for the now...
...to make the most of each minute...hour...day...
...i've lost over 18kg..
...i've begun volunteering on a regular basis with an AMAZING organisation..
..i've celebrated my girls 18th and 16th birthdays...
...i am two-thirds the way through my uni degree...
...i've realised who my true friends are...
...i am excited about heading off on an overseas holiday in a few months...
..i am extremely blessed...
...most of all...i luv the journey i am on now...
...and it's unexpected and exciting and heart breaking at times...
...but i am extremely grateful to have amazing people around me...
...and still my motto for this year is...
...too positive to be doubtful......too optimistic to be fearful...
...and too determined to be defeated!!
heids x